Text De/Crypt

By LittleKing205

With this new Tool you can Crypt your Messages with your own Numerbased Keyword.

On Encrypt must the last line an EOF to write the data

On Decrypt put your Data under the DAT: Label

PS. Can you decrypt my message for you?

DATA 7980,4752,3380,780,7200,800,8722,7584,850,2656,2870,5214,5986,792,5032,5372
DATA 1653,1014,4332,1027,5070,5576,3796,78,3621,1881,4158,66,3471,2376,5396,2482
DATA 7560,1932,3344,5865,3525,2993,6240,3976,1200,1008,1113,9504,-1

Get LowRes Coder to use this program.

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