Plague Game V0.51

By ldz88

Devastating bug fixed. DO NOT DOWNLOAD v0.50!!!
Type world in the bar where you get symptoms to infect people
Type a symptoms name to get it. If you don’t have enough money, get more money by infecting people.
The coin earning from going to the world is:
Infected people / 4 + Dead people / 2
Total coins are “this” + the number of coins you had before round.
This game has 1 lethal symptom(s) and 4 infecting symptom(s)
Change log
—Devastating Bug Fixed
—New load screen
—2 new symptoms
—Set coins gain to infected / 4 + dead / 2
—Different sayings for when you infect all people and kill all
—A new bug emerges?!?!?
Those are the recent change logs.

Theme: Upgrades

Get LowRes Coder to use this program.

Play homegrown retro games and program your own!