PakuPaku Gameboard Player V06

By was8bit

V00: currently just the editor, needs reworked into the player
V01: demonstration only…
V02: demonstration only, now at beginning can choose to continue with map in persistent memory or load new data … since you cannot play yet, choose LOAD at the beginning

You can create new map set with the EDITOR and replace the data here with your data, so you can see you map in game mode :)

V03: begin creating player…. doesn’t do anything yet….
*note* if you place more than one starting place for player or ghost, only one will show and be used… all other duplicate starting places will be shown, only the leftmost, bottommost will be used

V04: can move pakupaku around, but doesn’t do anything else yet…
V05: can eat dots (some errors to fix) that’s all…
V06: only lets you progress thru all 11 mazes by eating one dot
……. a good way to view all of your maps… tests level progression

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